Chairman's Message


Dr. KP Sulaiman Haji
Member, Kerala State Hajj Committee
Chairman, Ahdab International School

Dear Parents,
We believe that education is the most important aspect of growth and an educated population solves many problems. With this mission, KPS Group started Ahdab International School way back in 2007 with 100 students, which has grown from brick to brick and is currently nurturing more than 1000 students. The main purpose of this facility is that we, as a leading group, are receiving through society, so it’s our major concern to give back to the society our stakeholders.
I believe each child is unique and has tremendous potential to learn. It is our responsibility as faculty and parents to mould them into flawless, zealous, and victorious citizens. I extend my warm wishes to the Principal, Staff, and Students of Ahdab International School to continue this journey on the road of excellence.

“Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught.” – Oscar Wilde.

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