Bank Account Details
Bank Name
Saudi National Bank (SNB)
البنك الاهلي السعودي
Account Number
رقم الحساب في البنك الأهلي السعودي
IBAN Number
رقم الحساب الدولي
Swift Code
رمز السويفت

Fee Payment Schedule

All fees should be paid on or before 5 th of respective month. Message will be sent to your mobile as soon as you pay the Fee. Falling the payment on Last day will laid with penalty of 1 riyal per late day.
If fees is not paid within one month the ward will not be taken from the home by school bus.
The name of the student will be automatically removed from the school roll if the fees is not paid for two consecutive months and student will not be allowed to attend the school.
An amount of SR. 5001 should be paid for readmission.

“You may no longer be in school, but you must never stop learning. We need to be as smart as the white ghosts.” – Stacey Lee.

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