General Instruction

Ahdab International School
Recommendation To Parents
Authorised persons should escort children to and from the school.
Do not meet the teacher during the class hours without the permission of the principal.
Please ensure that your child is regular and punctual. Punctuality is an important value. Please ensure that students are in time for morning assembly.
The school expects your whole - hearted participation in all the school functions and workshops conducted by the school in the interest of your child.
Excursions are part of education. Encourage your child to avail of the facility as it develops a keen sense of observation, exploration and cooperation among children.
A report on conduct application and progress will be sent to you at the end of each term. Every child develops and assimilates at his/her own pace. You are requested not to create an atmosphere of stress at home. regarding academic pursuits. However, you are most welcome to discuss any point pertaining to the child with the supervisor or the respective teacher consulting the principal.
Go through the school dairy daily, so that it is brought to school every day. It is an excellent channel of communication.

Ahdab International School
As a Parent/Guardian I Will
Show respect and support for my child, the teachers, and the school.
Support the school's discipline policy.
Provide a quiet, well-lit place away from TV or guest room for study and supervise the completion of homework.
Attend parent-teachers meetings.
Talk with my child each day about his/her school activities.
Monitor my child's TV viewing and internet use.
Assist with at least one school or classroom activity.
Read with my child for at least 10 minutes each day and let my child see me read.

Ahdab International School
As a Student i Will
Always do my best.
Be kind and helpful to my classmates.
Show respect for myself, my school, and other people.
Come to school prepared with my homework and my supplies.
Believe that I can and will learn.
Spend at least two hours each day studying or reading at home.
Talk with my parents each day about my school activities. Talk only in English inside the premises.

“It is with children that we have the best chance of studying the development of logical knowledge, mathematical knowledge, physical knowledge, and so forth.” – Jean Piaget.

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